The people at Yahoo! must consider the following recent events to be of some importance because they developed and displayed specific art for their title to celebrate:
Chinese New Year 2009
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
International Women's Day
St. Patrick's Day
Earth Hour
Earth Day
Notice anything?
How totally secularly fan-frickin'-tastic.
Google does the same thing
Gee, did they acknowledge Christmas at all? Sheesh!
We Christians might get a Santa at Christmas from Google or Yahoo! But never a nativity scene.
UN FREAKIN' BELIEVABLE...WELL done, MA...this is really something.
And, if we argue, we're "Rightwing Christian NUTS pushing OUR AGENDA on THEM"
Sure...COOL to push everything on Christians, huh? But, let them complain...? Well, we saw what happened to Miss California.
I guess the hope found in divine ressurection just doesn't resonate with the global warming hysteria crowd.
Wow! I never knew that republicans had any common sense,
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