October 11, 2008


This is a morbid topic, but this is my space to write down my thoughts, no matter how weird or random they may be.

I drove by a very large cemetery today, and it got me thinking...

Population is increasing exponentially, so deaths should also be increasing quite a bit (although, with advances in technology and medicine, the population is increasing faster than people are dying).

So I'm wondering, what happens when we run out of space to put people who have passed on? It has to happen eventually. What will happen with the bodies of the deceased (who wish to be buried) when there is no more space in the cemeteries?


Big Red said...

WWAGD? (What Would Al Gore Do?) That is my new mantra! Is it more green to be cooked and thrown into the sea/mountains, or buried in the ground? I am guessing buried in the ground, but we should probably do away with coffins, they are really just a status symbol anyway. So are clothes for that matter. Massive human landfills that could one day be turned into parks and open space. Ever seen Poltergeist, X10. That is the true definition of green. Sorry to take your weird and run with it!

Mike said...

WWAGD? I love it...waiting for the t-shirt.

Yes, coffins will be done away with because some people can afford better coffins than others, and that just won't fly in our society. And the cremation process would only add to our carbon footprint, which makes AG angry. You're right, massive human landfills would be the only alternative. It's green and is the only way to have true equality in death.

Ugh...I'm pissing myself off with this sarcasm.